Friday, December 31, 2010

Why i prefer Guitar over Gal

I am big time guitar freak to extent that once my Ex-GF told me that i love my guitar more then her and after that i thought about it and it turned out that she was right.
After we broke up, i sat down n googled and thought some reasons why guitar is better then gals and why i prefer guitar over gals ...

So, here we go,

· Guitars don't care how many other Guitars you've played.

· Guitars don't care how many other Guitars you have.

· Guitars don't care if you look at other Guitars.

· Guitars don't care if you buy Guitar magazines.

· You'll never hear, "Surprise, you are going to be the proud father of a new Guitar" unless you go out to buy one yourself.

· You don't have to worry about getting caught with your guitar.

· Guitars don't get pregnant.

· You can share your Guitar with your friends.

· You can play your Guitar any time of the month.

· Guitars don't have parents.

· Guitars don't whine... unless you want them to.

· If your Guitar is flat you can fix it for less than Rs 1,000.

· Your Guitar doesn't care if you never listen to it.

· You don't have to be jealous of the guy who works on your Guitar.

· If you say bad things to your Guitar, you don't have to apologize before you play it again.

· You can play your Guitar as long as you want and it won't get sore.

· You can stop playing your Guitar as soon as you want and it won't get frustrated.

· Your parents won't remain in touch with your old Guitar after you dump it.

· Guitars don't get headaches.

· Guitars don't insult you if you're a bad player.

· Your Guitar never wants a night out with the other Guitars.

· Guitars don't care if you're late.

· You don't have to take a shower before you play your Guitar.

· If your Guitar doesn't look good you can refinish it or get new parts.

· You can play your Guitar the first time you meet it, without having to take it to dinner, see a movie, or meet its mother.

· The only protection you have to wear when playing your Guitar is a decent thumb pick.

· When in mixed company, you can talk about what a great time you had the last time you played your Guitar.

· A guitar has a volume knob.

· If you break a guitar's G-string, it only costs Rs 11 for a new one.

· You can go to a guitar shop and play all the guitars you want for free.

· You can take lessons on how to play a guitar without feeling embarrassed.

· You can rent a guitar without worrying about who rented it before you.

· A guitar doesn't take half of everything you own when you get rid of it.

· You can break a guitars neck when it pisses you off and NOT go to prison

· You can finger it in public and get applause – NOT ARRESTED

· You can use four fingers at a time on it

· You can finger it for hours without it complaining for more

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


"When the government fears the people, it is called democracy. When the people fear the government, it is called tyranny." Thomas Jefferson

Tyranny, I think it the correct word to describe environment in the countries where government and government organizations can do anything with its people and don't even care for justice of its people. Everyone of these was enjoying unprecedented power and monopoly until a guy called Julliean Assange started a website called and started publishing all the secret documents that would have never reached to ordinary people without wikileaks.

Wikileaks, a website started with objective of exposing oppressive regimes in Asia, the former Soviet bloc, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East, but also expect to be of assistance to people of all regions who wish to reveal unethical behaviour in their governments and corporations, published its first document in December 2006 and now it is roaring at 1.2million documents.

What made wikileaks different from other way opening government fraud is that before one has to goto media submit it and then wait while wikileaks provided platform to virtually anybody who gets his hands on classified material, to publish such files online for all to see. In starting, 2008, wikileaks used to simple release documents but in last summer it adopted journalistic approach and started editing and posting views about document. In july wikileaks partnered with main stream media by giving them early look at Afghan War diary. In November it published 250,000 diplomatic cables , of USA, describing tension across the globe and the reaction was huge. Wikileaks was all over in media,news paper,Tv, magazines and what not? It earned lot of fame to wikileaks and lot of criticism and wince of politicians.

Founder of EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) and lyricist John Perry wrote “The field of battle is WikiLeaks, You are the troops”. Last week when US government attempted to stop wikileaks those “troops” fought back. When US senator Joe Liberman urged to stop wikileaks and amazon did it, thote troops attacked, and by two days WikiLeaks listed 507 Web addresses that it said were hosting the site worldwide. When PayPal, MasterCard and Visa all blocked donations to WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks' backers fought back, though their hacker attacked on some of the sites that shut off WikiLeaks funding may be less effective. After some political pressure and wikileaks proclaim that it was done for “no obvious reason”, the accounts were restored[wikipedia].

While founder is Jullian Paul Assange is behind the bars in sweden under charges of unprotected sex, every one is eagerly waiting for result of this fight between David and Goliath.