Monday, June 6, 2011

Mr. Band Manager

Yesterday was fun, it was different, there was something new and something that I had never expected. I was with my band Ecstasy but in a new role, in a new position and that is called Band Manager. I had always dreamed of being a guitarist and blowing every one's head off but now I am person who instigate few psychos to do that for me. 
I am not disappointed but it is not a thing that I have always wanted but on other hand it really feels great to be associated with the band after a long sabbath of more than a year. Before a year I was with the same guys but on stage and playing my guitar and now things have totally changed.
There are always pros and cons of everything and so with being a band manager. If I list pros than it will be more money [:P] as ours will be 7guys band (if I were in band as musician) and so my part in money would be 14.28% but now as I am band manager my part will be 15% [0.72% more :D ], as manager my role is - making connection, keeping peace, finalizing gigs, marketing and promotion- and that will be all new experience and will help me being little extrovert( fingers crossed ) and the best thing that I really love being a band manager is more influence on band which means song selection, styling and position and some original music for which I can say “This is my band’s OC”. There are cons too but I don’t want to discuss it as right now I am pretty excited on being a Band manager and ready to rock the world in my new role.